Public Opinion on Hunting in 2010

A poll of public opinion on hunting was carried out by Ipsos for the League Against Cruel Sports.

Three in four of the British public (76%) support the ban on fox hunting remaining, while just one in six (18%) want it repealed, according to a new Ipsos survey published today. Commissioned by the League Against Cruel Sports, the poll found that over eight in ten think the ban on deer hunting, hare hunting and coursing should remain illegal.

In rural communities, seven in ten people (71%) want to see fox hunting remain illegal, whilst 81% think deer hunting should continue to be banned, and 84% support the ban on hare hunting and coursing.

Technical Note The survey was carried out among a nationally representative sample of 1,988 adults aged 15+ in Great Britain, interviewed between 3-9 December 2010. The results were weighted to the British adult population profile.

169 Ipsos/League Against Cruel Sports

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