Americans and Likely Democratic Primary Voters Less Likely to Say a Woman Can Be President Compared to Six Months Ago
Little more than half of Americans now say that the country is ready to elect a woman president, down from two-thirds in August 2019.
Washington, DC, January 30, 2020 — The latest Ipsos poll, conducted on behalf of USA Today, finds that 56% of Americans say that America is ready to elect a woman president, down from 63% in August 2019. Among likely Democratic primary voters, the number is also down, now at 68% from 75% in August. Read the full story from USA Today here.
- Correspondingly, fewer Americans agree they are comfortable with the idea of a female president, now at 71% from 76% six months ago.
- However, a female candidate is still seen as more appealing than an older (75+) candidate.
It also finds that:
- Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders continue to be viewed the most favorably by the Democratic electorate. However, Mike Bloomberg also shows strong results.
On being able to stand up to Trump and being able to make hard decisions, Sanders and Biden are essentially tied for first while Warren and Bloomberg tie for third. Buttigieg follows.
About the Study
These are some of the findings of an Ipsos poll conducted between January 24-28, 2020 on behalf of USA Today. For this survey, a sample of roughly 2,011 adults age 18+ from the continental U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii was interviewed online in English. The sample includes 822 Democrats and Independents who say they are probably or certainly going to take part in the 2020 Democratic primaries.
Wave 1 was conducted between August 28-30, 2019 on behalf of USA Today. For Wave 1, a sample of 2,012 adults age 18+ from the continental U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii was interviewed online in English. The sample includes 923 Democrats and Independents who say they are probably or certainly going to take part in the 2020 Democratic primaries.
The sample for this study was randomly drawn from Ipsos’ online panel (see link below for more info on “Access Panels and Recruitment”), partner online panel sources, and “river” sampling (see link below for more info on the Ipsos “Ampario Overview” sample method) and does not rely on a population frame in the traditional sense. Ipsos uses fixed sample targets, unique to each study, in drawing a sample. After a sample has been obtained from the Ipsos panel, Ipsos calibrates respondent characteristics to be representative of the U.S. Population using standard procedures such as raking-ratio adjustments. The source of these population targets is U.S. Census 2016 American Community Survey data. The sample drawn for this study reflects fixed sample targets on demographics. Post-hoc weights were made to the population characteristics on gender, age, race/ethnicity, region, and education.
Statistical margins of error are not applicable to online non-probability polls. All sample surveys and polls may be subject to other sources of error, including, but not limited to coverage error and measurement error. Where figures do not sum to 100, this is due to the effects of rounding. The precision of Ipsos online polls is measured using a credibility interval. In this case, the poll has a credibility interval of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points for all respondents, and. Ipsos calculates a design effect (DEFF) for each study based on the variation of the weights, following the formula of Kish (1965). This study had a credibility interval adjusted for design effect of the following (n=2,011 DEFF=1.5, adjusted Confidence Interval=+/-4.0 percentage points).
The poll also has a credibility interval of plus or minus 3.9 percentage points for likely Democratic primary voters.
The first wave has a credibility interval of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points for all respondents and plus or minus 2.9 percentage points for likely Democratic primary voters.
For more information on this news release, please contact:
Chris Jackson
Vice President, US
Public Affairs
+1 202 420-2025
[email protected]
Kate Silverstein
Media Relations, US
Public Affairs
+1 718 755-8829
[email protected]
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