Media Still Matters: Affluents Deep Connection with Media Brands

Discover how and why Affluents connect with beloved media brands, when marketers can best attract their attention, and the types of content that are most appealing.

The author(s)
  • Jesse Peretz Director of Ipsos Affluent Intelligence
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Affluent Americans lead busy lives filled with work and family responsibilities. They are sought after for their advice and opinions across many subjects from financial planning to travel recommendations, luxury cars to entertainment choices. Yet, despite already full lives, or because of them, Affluents actively seek out media brands and outlets every waking hour of every day. They engage with those brands to stay informed, entertained, and amused. While the last two years have been tumultuous in many ways, familiar media brands became a keystone in Affluent lives – the all-important piece that has kept their lives intact and on track.

Revisit our recorded webinar to hear insights into the how and why Affluents connect with beloved media brands, when marketers can best attract their attention, and the types of content that are most appealing. Among other things, you will learn:

  • When Affluents use different media platforms throughout the day
  • Changes in media usage and share of time resulting from the pandemic
  • How media choices are driven by generation and other demographics
  • Receptivity of advertising by media platforms

Despite the economic fallout from the pandemic, Affluent American managed to substantially increase their net worth in the past year. They already outspend non-Affluent two-to-one, and with this extra financial cushion are poised to be an even stronger purchasing bloc in the next year. Understanding their media preferences and relationships are the key to knowing how best to market to what is arguably the most important consumers in the U.S. today.

AI-generated audio transcript is offered below. Apologies in advance for inconsistencies that have been included.


Thank you for joining us for today's Ipsos webinar, Exploring Affluence use and relationship with media.


Today's presentation will be given by Tony Incalcatera and Jesse Peretz and you can read more about them in the bio slide in front of you. Throughout today's session, you will remain in listen only mode, however, throughout the webinar, you may submit questions online using the Q and A feature.


Time permitting, we'll answer questions at the end of today's session, however, if timely and short, then your question will be answered by e-mail.


Today's webinar is also being recorded, and will be directly e-mailed to you.


So now, without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce today's first speaker, Tony, Incalcatera, senior vice president with Ipsos audience measurement team, telling me you have the floor.


Thank you, Elen. It's, it's great to be here.


I want to thank everybody for joining us today, This is actually kinda thrilling for me. I guess I get to co-present with a longtime colleague of mine, Jesse Peretz, who has been working on the affluent steady for 16 years now, are over 16 years. So today we're going to give you some insights on what we really considered the unique and multi-faceted relationship that Affluence have with media brands.


To be sure, it's a very complex relationship that continues to evolve really as the media landscape morphs from this history of what I like to refer to as bordered content distribution where publications were only printed on paper. And television programming was only accessible through traditional television. Now, really, it's a tangled web of cross-platform distribution, 24/7 on demand availability, and really, a blurring of access.


Yet, despite the complexity affluent engagement with media brands is really strong, you know, in a nutshell. media still matters and the title of this, this Webinar.


And it's important, particularly in a world where information and misinformation about, you know, content distribution really important and imparts. A sense of credibility to what is out there. And they're responsible for both the information and the entertainment that runs through their pipes.


So, I'm going to turn off my webcam because we've got lots of charts to show you. And I don't want to distract from that.


In any case.


We've got a lot of information to share with you today, and, and the insights that we're going to present really derive from two sources.


You know, the first is our ongoing Ipsos affluent study USA which we've been conducting for more than 45 years now.


And that's in combination with re contacts that we do on a quarterly basis to respondents of the Affluence survey, where we get additional in-depth information from.


I continue to say we're going to cover a lot of material today, but we're gonna start with an exploration of the got the passionate, embrace that Affluence have with with all things and media.


We're gonna focus next on the importance of television and affluent lives. And from there we're going to talk a little bit about the premature obituary for publications as we find that they're very much alive and still a very important piece of affluent lives.


Jesse's gonna then take us through the explosion in podcasting from a relatively small part of affluent lives to the information and entertainment source that more than four in ten affluence enjoy each month.


He'll continue with some insights about the new soundtrack, audio and radio play before commenting on really that complicated relationship that affluence tablet with social media.


After that, I'll come back and discuss a bit more about what Affluence really think about media platforms before tying everything up. Hopefully tying everything up in a nice bow to make sense of everything.


So let's start with the passion side of things, and affluence, by, by their very nature, are successful individuals.


And really, what part of what makes them successful is that they're information seekers, are inquisitive about the world about life, and they have a hunger to stay on top of what's happening around, you know, as a result. They're truly passionate about connecting with with the media brands that entertain and inform them.


When we look at, in fact, they're spending more than 46 hours a week, interacting, with media brands through newspapers, magazines, radio, television, on the web, you know, and to put it in perspective, that's more time than they're spending at work, but slightly less time in their sleeping.


So it's it, it's a huge part of their lives.


Now, about half of the total media time comes from the various forms of television viewing, live TV commands the greatest amount of time.


But thanks to the proliferation of streaming service content that now accounts for almost as much time as live television and they're even parts of the day. We're streaming viewership, tops Live TV show you that in a moment.


At five hours a week, social media now is a powerful force to be reckoned with. Especially, as you'll see in the middle of the day.


Now, over the last two years, we've know we've been talking a lot about the changes that the pandemic that Covid-19 brought about and this is particularly true in terms of media consumption.


More time at home, translated into more time with media, quite honestly. And the biggest increase is really happening with media platforms, particularly online video, streaming services, on demand TV and podcasts.


Now, since they're spending more than six hours a day with media brands, it's really not a surprise to see that they're well connected during waking hours.


Affluents: Are you both during the week, the workweek, and then on weekends, there's great level of connection with, with media throughout the day.


It's especially true in prime time.


You know, when when almost all affluence are exposed to one form of media or another between the hours of 7 to 10 PM.


Now, we don't have information on current usage, and we don't know for sure how many people are reading while they're watching TV or posting on social media while they're listening to a podcast. But we can tell you that during specific time periods, affluence are engaging with multiple forms of media.


It peaks at 3.36 different forms of media, between 5 and 7 0 PM. And that spans both commuting time, dinner time, the shift prime time.


But during prime time, you know, between 7 and 10 0 PM, we start to see few were different platforms being used, which really could result in shifts from information gathering during the day to entertainment.


As people begin to sort of wind down from the day, you know, it's really pretty late true, as we see more people watching streaming services, live TV during that time period.


During the day, there really aren't any clear winners, if you will, you know, affluence or consuming across the media landscape. What you're seeing now is, you know what I commonly or what I often call the spaghetti chart because there's just a lot of things that are happening.


We can see that live TV and streaming services are are most dominant in the evening.


But even there are there are so many other things that are happening during that timeframe.


You as affluence, continue to read, to listen and to watch other forms of media.


But one of the things that I find most interesting is that is how consistently affluents use social media across the day.


It's really quite interesting. I mean, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, more affluence are engaged with social media than any other medium.


And it's essentially tied with satellite radio between 2 - 5:00 PM dinner time, they hold their own against live TV, but it's during prime time where they, although they maintain a fairly strong presence, it's just nothing compared to television, live TV and streaming services.


And when we look at the weekend, there's really little drop off and how affluence are consuming media, but it looks like we might be sleeping a little later than we are during the workweek, so we get a later start.


And, quite honestly, if we look at social media, again, it's the dominant player from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, You know, as we're reporting on the things that are happening in our lives. Or checking on friends and family on social media.


While we often see differences between men and women, the engagement with media is relatively consistent across the day.


There are clear differences, you know, don't no doubt in the media brands are connecting.


And, if you'd like more information about that, you know, please feel free to reach out to Jesse or to me, and we can help understand a little bit more about that.


Now, morning time is certainly not my friend. I'm not a morning person. Anyone who knows me knows that.


But it doesn't really seem to be a friend to a lot of people. There's certainly a lower incidence amongst the younger generations in how they're using media.


Prime time is sort of the great equalizer.


It's pretty much everyone is consuming, and by the time we get to late night, it's really the younger generations that are consuming more than their older counterparts. So there are some differences in the connectivity during the course of the day.


As I mentioned earlier, about half of the time affluence spend with media comes from the various types of television viewing.


From Monday to Friday, live TV and streaming services really dominate the evening hours, but it's really important to note that watching online video holds court earlier in the day, and really even manages to increase during Prime time when, quite honestly, the streaming services performed best.


So between 10 PM and midnight, there are almost as many affluents who are watching online video as watching live TV or streaming services, and, you know, and this is part of that wind down period.


Online videos have, you know, replaced, bedtime, reading, and in many ways, is as people wind down from the day. On demand, TV and DVR playback, you know, are clearly primetime activities that that really don't happen at other points in the day.


Now, while the relative positions hold on the weekends, we do see that the levels of engagement tend to two drops slightly, compared to the Monday to Friday levels.


Now during kava, during the pandemic we did see a large increase in viewing streaming services.


It really was likely A combination of a couple of factors. The fact that there were production halts and delays for many live TV programs.


Coupled, you know, really, what's the dearth of live sports?


But as much of live TV returned to normal and we started to see new content, we're really, we're seeing the streaming services holding steady during the evening hours.


Which, to us, was essentially saying that this is a fairly permanent shift That, you know, this is not just because the production delays are the word, what we were seeing back then.


But, really, it's the result of more people were returning to their normal habits, and their habits have changed slightly.


When we look at the fact that people more people are returning to commuting and returning to an office environment, we do see a drop-off in streaming service usage late at night, and during the day.


So where we're disconnecting, if you will, a little earlier as the demands of, you know, our return to work life as well as we knew it continue to build, no, They don't call it prime time for no reason.


The vast majority of affluence, or engage me, engaging excuse me, with one or more genres of live television programs, between the hours of 7 and 10 PM.


And when I say live, I don't literally mean live programming, but just live TV.


You know, so what are they seeking out during that time? Or overall, drama is the big draw for Affluence, with comedy coming in a pretty close second.


But the difference is that the younger generations, you're much more likely to be seeking a good laugh. You know, for them. Comedy is the clear winner over drama.


And not surprisingly, men are almost three times as likely as women say they're watching sports programming during prime time, and they're far more likely to be watching action and adventure.


On the other hand, women favorite reality TV, much more so than men, as well as family friendly, cooking and food programs.


Now one of the things Idled Faith like to relate it, you know, upon hearing that this major American newspaper printed as a ... Mark Twain quipped that the, you know, quote, reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. End quote.


And I think this is really applicable to the publication industry where, you know, we've just heard rumors and the death of print them and it's just circulated for many years.


But the reality is that many publication brands have re-invented themselves and evolve far beyond being just a medium that's printed on paper.


So, even during the pandemic, many of the typical points of contacts that were closed to publications like doctor's office, doctors, waiting rooms, salons, you know, other public places. Those were temporarily unavailable to them.


But these publication brands found other ways to disseminate their content too, really what, what amounted to loyal readers?


So, we know that overall readership of printed on paper publications declined during cold.


What we did see, however, was that the pattern of readership throughout the day remained fairly consistent that there is a peak on both the beginning of the day and then prime time for printed publications.


We should also point out that even though TV, as King, during prime time, we still see a fairly healthy level of publication, re-interview, occurring during that time.


And we're going to talk a little bit more about concurrent usage and just what is happening later on in the presentation.


As I mentioned, loyal readers found alternatives in order to stay engaged with their favorite publication brandes during the pandemic, you know, as things got worse, printed on paper.


Readership declined.


But what we did see was a substantial increase in Affluence who were reading the digital issues and publications.


So when they couldn't engage, in the more traditional way, they found other ways to get the same type of connection with these brands.


Know, and in the increasing world of social media, we find that almost four in ten affluence follow their favorite publication brand through posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms.


So in a nutshell, publishers have really found new life for their brands and affluence or following them.


In addition to, you know, to all of those things and seeking out, the digital issues or social media posts affluence, really have found new ways to engage with those favorite publication brands.


So, what we found is, in the past month, one in five, affluents have listened to a podcast that was specifically created by a publication brand, and that's really helping those brands to extend beyond printed issues.


It's quickly becoming a major point of content consumption for, for app wants.


So my colleague Jesse is now going to take you through some of our findings on the subject of podcasting.


Thanks Tony. If you want to go to the next slide.


So, when we're looking at podcasting, this is for tracking from our i-phone survey from the past five years. And you can see that the data has kind of it was growing from 20 16 through 2019.


But it really started to take off a little bit more in 20, 22,021 during the pandemic.


And the pandemic really accelerated it and you can see from this data that, there's always a little, there's been a slightly more male skewed to it, that slide.


Um, podcasts are one of the fastest growing types of media and you can see that this is from our Tracking the Barometer.


Women have really been driving the.


The growth.


There's a 16 point increase from 20 19 to 20 21 among women.


And the Gen Z and Milan and the younger affluence have increased the great deal as well.


That's also what's driving it, is, Yeah, there's a 12 point increase that we don't want to overlook, though, is that the Gen X and boomers have also grown a great deal.


African boomers have grown almost 50% in the part of the podcast and listening, so there.


yeah, they're not the drivers of it, but there are significant amount of the audience, and they are, you know, they shouldn't be overlooked in that.


Next slide.


So podcasts listening throughout the day.


It's a little wonky. There's been growth from 2009. Especially in the morning commute.


There is a growth from 20 19 to 20 20, and to 20 21 that kinda stayed consistent. So we expect that to be there.


What we find most interesting here is that there seems to be like a little bit of a lunch push with podcasts.


We don't really have any reason any way to explain what's happening with that, other than it's generally a medium that you have to focus on when listening to it.


So, it's something that you may want to do while eating or watch, or something. There is a drop off at night, but it stays pretty consistent.


It's not really the commute focus, that radio, Yes.


Next slide.


Um, so podcast, listeners are extremely loyal, with two thirds listening to almost every episode, or most episodes.


Only about a quarter listen to kind of episodes here or there.


This is kind of A.


Part of what the medium is, where a lot of the, a lot of podcasts are timely, and you have to listen to them kind of often.


If you can move on to the next slide.


And when you listen, and when people are listening to them, listen to them all the way, we're at 91% listened to most or all of an episode when they're listened to it.


There's some people who skipped that.


And credits and yeah, but it, nobody's listening to bits and pieces of it in ways.


They're really listening to the full podcast to the extent that there's information being given to them.




Again, these are timely things, so people listen to them when they come out.




We have about 85 for 75% of podcasts are listened to within the first week of being released.


And then, there's some slight difference between men and women. Women are less likely to be listening to them within the first week, but we'll get into why in a second.


Um, and you can see, sorry, thing about.


And the, and also, with Degenerations, you can see that the, yeah, the older generations are less likely to be listening to the timely or podcasts, but they're still mostly listening to them within a week of their release.


Uh, next slide.


Um, why are people listening to the podcast?


There's three things that people really are going for it. They're looking for entertainment, they're looking for knowledge, and they're looking to stand for.


It's not really a relaxing activity. It's not something that you're doing as a, you know, main focus of what you're doing.


So, it's really just A You want to know what's happening in the world, or you're looking for an escape with the entertainment. If you can go to the next slide.


Here, you see what kind of podcasts are people are listening to, and entertainment, comedy, news, politics, business, and finance.


The entertainment could be more time focused with some of the maybe more cultural podcasts and things where people are kind of recapping shows, or that you've watched or recap or talking about celebrity gossip.


And, comedy, it's obviously escapism for people. But, news podcasts, politics, and business and finance, are gonna be things that you have to listen to. You know, when they come out.


Otherwise, you've lost the thread on them.


Women are more likely to listen to the entertainment podcast than men, Men listen to sports podcast, which doesn't come up for women in their top podcasts.


one thing that we found interesting when looking at this was, we did ask about, like, parenting podcasts, and while parents did listen to them more than non parents, they came.


They were still, like the seventh or eighth ranked for the parents, because they, they're not listening to those, as much as they want to listen to. Things do, not think about their kids.


Next slide.


So, we asked people with podcasts they listened to.


We got a lot of responses. Most of these will pop up in the top.


Podcasts that you list that you see. The Daily Joe Rogan Experienced Planet Money, this American Life.


All hugely popular podcasts.


There's also some, yeah, Conan O'Brien and some sports podcasts, mixed in there, but it really runs the gamut and it's what people are interested in that they're listening to.


Hmm, we look at the pike.


When we ask them what apps they use, obviously, people using Apple devices are going to use Apple podcasts and then for the people who aren't on Apple devices, you're getting Spotify and Google as the main.


Perhaps they're listening on.




You wanna go to the next slide?


Um, as I said, podcast is something that people do while doing something else. So yeah.


A lot of people are doing it while commuting, which is expected but it's not the main thing.


They're doing when they're listening to the podcast.


Household chores. It's kind of something to do while you're doing something else, while they're working.


Where we saw the biggest differences in gender, where the men listen to podcasts while they're working out, running, and women, listen to podcasts when there are no, getting ready to go out. Do stuff more than men do.


But these are, yeah.


These are activities that you'd expect people to be doing, to be listening to something anyway, and what's happened is that they've shifted to listening to podcasts versus listening to music.


Um, Go onto the next slide.


one other thing that's happening in media right now is we're seeing a lot of things like patria, and N sub stacks, and creator driven content pop up.


This is something where we're seeing some penetration into the affluent market with five people subscribing to them, but it's still very small and and these are very much in their infancy.


So it's one of those things that you see in media circles I'm talking about and worrying about.


But there's just not a reach for the for these yet.


It's going to happen soon.


These are similar to podcasts. And people listen.


People subscribe to things they're interested in, more so than anything else.


If you want to go to the next slide, Tony, the Getting back into audio.


So this is what audio listening looks like throughout the day on quantum barf, favorite, spaghetti chart.


You see that there's a big increase from 6 to 9 for the commuters And then do that throughout the day kind of tails off. And there's a little bit more the 5 to 7 for evening can be it.


What you're saying here, though, is that between noon and two, during like lunchtime, the podcast and the streaming audio both have that bump into the doing something else while eating a lunch where here traditional radio and satellite radio are both dipping during that time.


Ought to move on.


So this shows us the gross, or this shows us what has happened with FM radio during the pandemic.


You can see if in from that 6 to 9 0 AM that morning commute, that really tailed off in 20 20 when people weren't commuting as much anymore because if cov it. But they were listening to things.


The interesting thing is, they found, though, was that 9 to 12 block, the people who would have gotten out of their car and gone into their office, now just left their radio on, and they seem to be enjoyed that, like, secondary that that morning, whatever, follows their morning, commute show. So there they're sticking with that and it's still growing, which we do find. Interesting.


and there's growth in the, there's places where it dipped and now it's bouncing back for the rest of the day.


But it's, there's no reason to believe. those won't come back down A little bit. Once commutes change again.


If you, I'll move on to the next one, Tony.


This is satellite radio in the same way.


We're kinda seeing the same thing with that, six to nine and then 9 to 12.


But we're not saying quite the same, um, grasp on that 9 to 12 power.


But everywhere else, it's basically bounced back to levels of pre pandemic.


Next slide.


Streaming radio has just grown a little bit during the pandemic. Not a great deal.


But it's still there that says yeah.


This is what we ask people with Pandora and Spotify and things like that, where they're streaming their music.


So it's there's some growth showing, and they bounce back from pre pandemic levels.


We're not quite sure where that's gonna go from here.


Ping go to the next one.


And this is what people are listening to in the radio formats for among affluence.


Storm the affluent survey. So classic rock and rock are the top choices and that news and talk, country classic.


Next slide.


So social media: we see social media kind of steady throughout the day. It looks different from other media in this.


It's growing, it's once you wake up, you go on and then get a, some more people are added on throughout the day each day.


Nothing else really behaves like this.


most media kind of dips after nine AM, and then comes back up for the 5 to 7 or 7 to 10 hours.


Next slide.


So, we ask people in the affluent survey what they do on social media.


Most people say they like things.


They're friends of boasted.


They send messages, they post pictures, Um, they'd like brands or products.


And that's one that we want to focus on.


So if we can go to the next one, what's it mean when people say they're like brands or products? With a follow up question, we asked them what we found interesting here is for the younger affluence, this is much more aspirational when they like something on social media.


Like a brand or a product on social media, they're they're less likely already. Own the item than Gen x-ers, boomers and seniors. But it is something that they want a buyer you soon.


Great arrival.


What I found a little interesting care was that, yeah, there's not a lot of penetration in the get deals and discounts, and that's actually higher among the Boomers and seniors, than among the Gen Z and millennials who are looking at these more aspirationally.




Next slide.


And with social media, it's really an important part of Gen Z and Millennials lives.


They've grown up with it.


I know that as a geriatric millennial.


I've had social media since basically I graduated from college.


But that means everybody else that's younger than me, has had it since they've been in college, or have been in high school or younger.


You see big divides in the.


Gen Z, millennials, and boomers, and seniors, especially in the things like I would be lost without social media, and my online identities, an important part of who I am.


It's just not important to boomers and seniors because it's never been important to boomers and seniors, because they never had it until they were already established in their lives.


Where they did find what we do find really interesting is that the things where The Boomers and seniors really creep up on the Gen Z millennials and Gen x-ers are the eye of unfriended or block people on social media because of their posts.


And the who we like to call lurkers of Iowa.


I check social media to see what others are up to, but I don't posts much myself. These aren't really surprising there.


We're a little bit surprised to see that the that people are unfriendly in blocking people as much as they say they are, but it's with the political environment.


That's not all that surprising.




Gen Z and Millennials really use this as their way to interact with their friends, In that, that's the last bar chart with, I'm always checking on my family, and friends through Facebook and other social networking websites, in a way that is the Gen X.


And so similar to the Gen X, but the boomers and seniors are, and this is partially because the the Gen x-ers are also having kids start at the time, that they're ....


that social media was coming of age, and they're used to it, and that's how they share their kids' pictures that's out there.


Interact with other parents, as well.




And then I will send it back to you, Tony, to discuss the perceptions. Alright. Well, thanks, Jesse. And thanks for introducing me to the new term, Geriatric Millennial Good to have to remember that.


Uh, so anyway, we've we've given you a lot of information about usage and what we wanted to focus on in the next few minutes is affluent feelings about media, how you know what they mean to them. And we've seen lots of anecdotal evidence.


That talks about the erosion of trust of media brands. That's really particularly important in in this environment a fatal hypersensitivity whether it's politics or security breaches of user, information information scandals, those kinds of things.


So, to really get a better understanding of this, we asked respondents to rate media types on three factors, on trustworthiness, superficiality, and influence.


So we asked them to use an eight point scale, where zero means that the media type is unreliable, and seven means that they're trustworthy.


We asked them to rate nine media types, live television, streaming services, online videos, and FM, radio, satellite, radio, podcasts, magazines, newspapers, social media.


And most of the media type ratings are clustered mid-range.


In this instance, in terms of trustworthiness, we're seeing is that streaming services and newspapers are really in a statistical tie for being most are highest rated as far as trustworthiness, social media and online video are considered to be the least reliable app of the of the group.


But we should note that, you know, some advertising on all of these media pipe platforms could be impacted by that. You know, these positive or negative perceptions that affluence have about the reliability or trustworthy nature of the platforms.


When we look at superficiality, we find that newspapers not surprisingly rise to the top, the in-depth coverage. This is what newspapers are known for, but as followed closely by one of the newer media platforms, which is podcasting. You know, as Jesse described, the relationship that that Affluence have with podcasts, particularly in terms of information seeking or in terms of the amount of the podcasts.


That the, that affluents listened to, really sort of gives us a good indication that this is a natural extension for newspapers. And not surprisingly, you know, a lot of the newspapers really have some of the biggest podcasts, like The New York Times. Now against social media on this scale is perceived on the lower end of the scale.


And it's, you know, it's considered more superficial than in depth.


Despite the low ratings of trustworthiness and in-depth coverage though, social media rises to the number-one spot when it comes to affluent perceptions of being most influential.


This is this dichotomy is, is really hard to explain because we don't know if this is a reflection of their personal experience when they find themselves influenced by what they're what they're reading on social media, or the friends or family or posting.


Or whether this is a reflection of their perceptions.


that social media has had a significant impact on politics and other areas of life, you know, where social media is really seen as having a heavy influence on others, not necessarily on themselves.


So as we look at how affluence perceived themselves, we, we see that three in ten affluents considered themselves news junkies. You know, they're always looking to stay current and to understand more about the world around them.


We also see that, you know, many affluents have migrated to other forms of newspaper content, but we still have 37%, who are saying they still enjoy reading on, on paper.


Not surprisingly, when we look at those results in more detail, the older generations are more than twice as likely to say that they enjoy reading it on paper as the younger generations.


And, of course, you know, the opposite is true when it comes to finding out about news events.


Through social media, it's really driven specifically by the youngest affluence.


OK, so we've, we've talked about the importance of the dominance of television, but really, there's some warning signs out there for the medium.


There seems to be a, you know, a lack of satisfaction, a lack of what we used to call appointment television.


So when we talk to Affluence 4 and 10 of them are saying that they regularly flip through the TV channels at night.


Signaling a, really, a wanderlust, if you will, trying to find something that they want to watch, more than 1 and 3, say, that they can't find anything to watch. So they settle for something, rather than find something that fits their needs or desires.


And particularly, worrisome for TV isn't the fact that more than half of all affluence say that they have the TV on in the background, but that their attention is focused on other things.


So you know, if TV is going to continue its dominant role in the media Landscape, it's really gonna need to address the disconnect on content.


Because it can't, it can continue to be in the background and continue to deliver audiences for marketers in a way that's going to make a true connection.


Finally, let's come back and talk to the new kid about the new kid on the block with podcasts. They really do seem to be hitting the right note with affluent listeners.


So almost half of them feel, you know, a tight connection to podcasts. They say that they are part of a community when they listen to them.


So, you know, it's the sense of belonging that that pulls people together in these podcasts communities and that was really true particularly true during the pandemic.


When we, you know, we saw that affluence were feeling loss of personal connections.


They weren't feeling an alienation in many ways and this was a way for them to engage beyond the personal, face-to-face side of things. So, podcasts go, you know, beyond simple entertainment.


You know, we see the overwhelming majority podcast of affluent podcast listeners saying that they appreciate podcasts for the fact that they make them think, think about the world around them, think about themselves.


No, of course, that's not to say that. That entertainment isn't a strong factor. It is, it can do both.


A slight majority of listeners say that they, you know, they want to escape from reality.


Again, I don't see these two things in in conflict.


I think you can think, and you can escape at the same time. But the point really being that podcasts are pulling affluence in and gaging them to, you know, to a great degree.


So you know, as we often do in these webinars, we've got so much information that we want to share with you, guys, and we've covered a lot of ground today.


But before we end, you're really just recount some of what I think are the most important elements and Katie key key takeaways for everyone.


So the first really is that, you know, television is still the dominant media force through Its many forms. The live TV streaming on demand, et cetera. It's the device.


really, you know, and I emphasize the word device through what, or through which affluence or staying informed and entertained.


But there are some warning signs for television that that need to be addressed, especially when it comes to advertising supported television.


You know, we have streaming services, most of which are advertising free, but some of which are ad supported. They're gaining traction, there's lots more of them.


And it's making it more difficult for, for marketers to capture the attention of their target prospects, because it is disseminated across so many different places disaggregated.


You know, in an area here where copper pro would make content is really critical. As we just mentioned, we're seeing a disconnect in interest which needs to be addressed.


Otherwise, we're gonna continue to see television while it's still playing an important are an important part of the affluent media.


If it is not engaging to the degree that it used to, it will suffer quite honestly.


Now, new media options, that the second thing we really want to point out, they're extending, you know, the opportunity for really traditional media to distribute their content, and in lots of different ways.


You know, we're truly in this error, where the, what I used to refer to as the borders of media, you know, the, the fact that all media brands are now cross-platform.


They've got multiple ways to connect and communicate with their loyal followers, And that's providing lots of opportunity for marketers, because it's it's a way for people to connect with prospects in meaningful ways that go beyond just a single approach.


So, a marketer can connect with a brand loyalist through entertainment, through, you know, paper, through social media, on and on.


It allows them, too, really, touch that person or that prospect, in many different ways.


And that allows them to get different messages across it, in different, in different approaches.


Now, lastly, you know, we really need to continue to watch how the younger generations are moving on to that next thing.


You know, without a doubt, we see peer-to-peer social media playing a significant force in young lives.


Again, in some ways, it's it's all consuming, you know, these youngsters.


See this as a source that keeps him informed, entertained in touch with their friends.


Traditional media, I think are going to continue to play an important part in the lives of affluence, certainly for the near term, And hopefully for a lot longer.


Quite honestly, unless there's a change in how young affluence approach media as they get older, the immediate future is going to solidly be in the realm of social media.


So in any case, I, you know, I hope that you've learned a lot from today's webinar. I think we've got time for a couple of questions, that, if we can't get to your questions, that, you know, please feel free to reach out to us, if you'd like some additional information. So I do see that we have a question. Jesse, maybe you can take this.


You mentioned that TV is still king, but that social media is strong amongst the younger generations or the younger generations ignoring television altogether.


The short answer to that is no there, OK.


They're not watching traditional TV at the same levels as older generations are.


But they're watching shows on streaming, and through other, and through things like YouTube and stuff.


They're just not watching traditional TV at the same rate right now, but it's still there. They're still watching.


Television, they're just not watching what we like to think.


Yes, of that television.


Cool. All right. And then someone is asking, Jesse, if Spotify falls where it falls in the audio categories.


And I think it's true, it falls in our streaming radio or streaming streaming. Yeah, yeah.


We've got another question that, I love this question, it says.


He just answered my question. Nevermind. That that's, that's the easiest question ever. OK, one, we see one more question, given all of the declines. What do you think the future holds for printed publications?


I can, I can take that one.


No, I, this is a difficult thing in that we're going to, we're likely going to see no continued declines in print readership, certainly based on the aging population.


But I think that the brands have done a very good job of extending beyond the traditional approaches to getting information out there.


And it's really going to depend on how successful they are with continuing to make a connection with people. For the younger generations, you know, as we talked about, social media is going to be important.


I think most publication brands have have really done a very good job of, you know, pushing their social media platforms, and that could be one way that they continue to re-invent themselves, and, and to find, you know, new life as, as time goes on.


OK, so I think we've run out of time. And I really just, again, just want to thank everybody for joining us today. Have a great rest of your day, and please reach out to us if you like some additional information. So thank you very much.


Thank you.


That was really great. Thank you to Tony. Thank you to Jesse, and thank you, everyone, for joining us. Be on the lookout for an e-mail with a direct link to today's recorded presentation.


That now concludes today's webinar. Have a wonderful day, everyone.

The author(s)
  • Jesse Peretz Director of Ipsos Affluent Intelligence

Media & Brand Communication