How Britain Voted in 2010

Profile of voting behaviour at the 2010 general election broken down by age, gender, social class and housing tenure

See also : Voting by newspaper readership 2010, How Britain Voted in 1992, How Britain Voted in 1997, How Britain Voted in 2001, How Britain Voted in 2005, How Britain Voted 1974-2010 (overview), Voting by housing tenure 1983-2010, Voting by newspaper readership 1992-2010, Ipsos polls during the 2010 election

How Britain Voted in 2010

The table below shows Ipsos's final estimates of how the votes at the general election broke down by gender, by age, by social class and by housing tenure. This is based on a detailed analysis of all the voting intention surveys we conducted during the campaign, a total of more than 10,000 interviews, aggregated to achieve a robust sample size, and weighted at regional level to the final election result and turnout as well as to the population profile. (These figures supersede the interim estimates that were published in the Observer on 9 May.)

  Voting     Change since 2005
  Con Lab LD Oth Con lead over Lab  Turn- out Con Lab LD Turn- out Con- Lab swing
  % % % % ± %   ± % ± % ± % ± % %
All 37 30 24 10 7 65% +4 -6 +1 +4 5.0
Male 38 28 22 12 10 66% +4 -6 0 +4 5.0
Female 36 31 26 8 4 64% +4 -7 +3 +3 5.5
18-24 30 31 30 9 -2 44% +2 -7 +4 +7 4.5
25-34 35 30 29 7 4 55% +10 -8 +2 +6 9.0
35-44 34 31 26 9 4 66% +7 -10 +3 +5 8.5
45-54 34 28 26 12 6 69% +3 -7 +1 +4 5.0
55-64 38 28 23 12 10 73% -1 -3 +1 +2 1.0
65+ 44 31 16 9 13 76% +3 -4 -2 +1 3.5
Men by Age                      
18-24 29 34 27 10 -4 50% -4 0 +2 +11 -2.0
25-34 42 23 30 6 18 56% +13 -10 +3 +7 11.5
35-54 36 28 23 13 8 67% +5 -8 +1 +3 6.5
55+ 41 29 16 14 12 76% +1 -4 -4 +2 2.5
Women by Age                      
18-24 30 28 34 9 2 39% +8 -15 +8 +4 11.5
25-34 27 38 27 8 -11 54% +6 -5 -1 +6 5.5
35-54 33 31 29 8 2 67% +6 -9 +4 +6 7.5
55+ 42 30 21 7 12 73% +1 -4 +1 0 2.5
Social Class                      
AB 39 26 29 7 13 76% +2 -2 0 +5 2.0
C1 39 28 24 9 11 66% +2 -4 +1 +4 3.0
C2 37 29 22 12 8 58% +4 -11 +3 0 7.5
DE 31 40 17 12 -10 57% +6 -8 -1 +3 7.0
Men by Class                      
AB 44 23 27 7 21 76% +7 -4 -1 +7 5.5
C1 40 28 22 10 12 67% +1 -1 0 +3 1.0
C2 33 33 19 15 0 58% +1 -6 +1 +1 3.5
DE 32 35 13 20 -3 59% +8 -12 -4 +4 10.0
Women by Class                      
AB 34 29 31 6 5 75% -2 0 +2 +4 -1.0
C1 39 28 25 8 10 66% +5 -7 +2 +5 6.0
C2 41 25 25 9 17 58% +7 -15 +5 0 11.0
DE 29 45 19 7 -15 56% +4 -4 +1 +2 4.0
Housing Tenure                      
Owned 45 24 21 11 21 74% +1 -5 +1 +3 3.0
Mortgage 36 29 26 9 7 66% +5 -7 +1 +6 6.0
Social renter 24 47 19 11 -23 55% +8 -8 0 +4 8.0
Private renter 35 29 27 9 6 55% +8 -7 -1 +4 7.5
Ethnic group                      
White 38 28 24 10 10 67% +4 -7 +1 +5 5.5
All non-white 16 60 20 4 -44 51% +2 -4 +6 +4 3.0

Base: 10,211 GB adults aged 18+ (of which 5,927 were "absolutely certain to vote" or said they had already voted), interviewed 19 March-5 May 2010.

Source: Ipsos


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