Tackling conspiracy theories

Our report highlights the danger of only focusing on a vocal minority when the wider population often have a more nuanced relationship with conspiracy theories.

The author(s)
  • Colin Strong Global Lead, Behavioural Science
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Conspiracy Theories have recently been top of mind, with many considering that their impact on areas such as vaccine uptake are having serious societal consequences. But while there has been significant research into the possible causes, as well as who develops and perpetuates them, there has been little investigation into the wider public’s relationship with them. Until now.

Ipsos’s new report on Conspiracy Theories highlights the danger of only focusing on the vocal minority and how this risks a skewed understanding of the issues and potentially fails to combat misinformation across the general population.

If you missed our launch event, you can watch it below.

The author(s)
  • Colin Strong Global Lead, Behavioural Science

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