Short hits of retail truth
This video series explores how the shopper landscape is changing and the new forms of commerce which are emerging.
It’s no longer just a case of offline and online shopping. There are now a plethora of commerce highlighting different letters of the alphabet, such as q-commerce, v-commerce, D2C. The number of touchpoints consumers have to discover new products and services, as well as dealing with companies, is increasing. Touchpoints and channels are converging, and this is what we call convergent commerce. This is our video series explores this concept, highlighting the latest trends in retail. Each video is under three minutes focusing on various aspects of emerging retail and commerce.
Beyond omnichannel and the evolution of the new retail
Stuart Wood, Vice President, Path to Purchase, Ipsos highlights how in a world of q-commerce, v-commerce and D2C, touchpoints and channels are converging.
Is there still a shopper journey?
Alison Chaltas, Global President, Path to Purchase, Ipsos explores a question of whether a shortened one-click or one-command see-and-buy purchase a ‘journey’?
Avoiding pandora’s box: Getting post-purchase shopper journey experiences right
Jane Lattimore, Head of Market Strategy and Understanding, Asia Pacific, Ipsos, highlights the customer journey has changed and how increasingly the post-purchase journey is becoming more important to whole customer experience.
How to bring impulse online: Discover-and-buy immediately ‘journeys’
Melanie Ng, Lead for Market Strategy and Understanding, Ipsos in Singapore, discusses the new impulse purchase: buy now buttons on social media.
Would you buy from your best friend?
Jannet Wang, Executive Director for Market Understanding and Innovation, Ipsos in China, looks at how the power of peers and traditional word of mouth is moving from the influential to the commercial.
How soon can I get it? On-demand delivery and quick commerce
Dhisana Devi, Associate Director for Market Strategy and Understanding, Europe, Ipsos, explains quick commerce – delivery in under 30 mins from time of order – described as being eCommerce on steroids.
How to replicate sensorial experience online?
Manuel Garcia-Garcia, Global Lead for Neuroscience, Ipsos, looks at how to humanize digital commerce.
The death of the physical store
Roles of the physical store are expanding, not contracting.
The experiential imperative of physical stores
Putting humanity at the centre of the experience.
Convergent commerce means mutually supportive channels
Digital in the physical store, and bringing the physical store and experience to digital.
Changing store rules = Changing measures and metrics
Roles of the physical store are expanding, not contracting