Global Trends about Capitalism’s Turning Point

New ways of thinking are emerging about the role of businesses, economics and institutions

Global Trends about Capitalism’s Turning Point

New ways of thinking are emerging about the role of businesses, economics and institutions

We are seeing a movement away from shareholder value at all costs to a more holistic understanding of the human and environmental impacts of capitalism.

The combined effects of the pandemic, the climate emergency and the cost-of-living crisis may be driving a reassessment of individual goals and priorities.

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In the past, capitalism was all about growth. Indeed, it has always been couched in the narrative that it allows for greater competition and greater innovation, which in turn lead to lower prices and higher wages overall. It has often been coupled with democracy as well, the assumption being that free people and markets will benefit the largest number of people, but those ideals are now being decoupled and closely examined.

New ways of thinking about the role of businesses, economics and institutions are prompting a re-examination of capitalism and an exploration of alternative models that consider the needs and well-being of multiple stakeholders rather than simply maximizing profits for owners.

While activists may hope for an end to capitalism, a more accurate prediction may be that we’re entering a new era of capitalism that questions the way business is conducted and the toll it takes on people and the planet. There has been a growing realization of the ecological toll of capitalism and the human impact of inequality within and across markets.

We are now considering the impact of capitalism, exploring investor-friendly economics, and coming up with better alternatives, such as Triple Bottom Line, which realigns businesses' goals against ESG metrics.

Trust in business leaders is much higher in emerging markets

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Our report tells a story from the topline data. For technical details, please see the full methodology. For a deeper dive into demographic differences, regional analysis and sector- or market-specific insights please contact us for a custom analysis of this incredibly rich data source.
