How can I learn about the attitudes, preferences and behaviors of high-earning consumers and business leaders, given their significant influence on economic trends?
How effective were this year’s Summer Games ads? Using Creative|Spark AI, Ipsos’ AI-powered ad assessment tool, we tested 31 ads across multiple different categories. Here’s what we learned.
What The Future
New fair-balance rules are here. By prioritizing creative quality, leveraging branded advertising, and listening to the voice of target patients, pharmaceutical companies can continue to effectively reach and engage their target audience.
The Affluent market is a key influencer group, driving the changes in nearly every category. We deliver insights that are key to developing your brand's future strategy.
Read how AI ad evaluation tools can be more connected to human creativity, used more widely in advertising research, and in turn, help brands to get to more effective advertising.
The ever-accelerating pace of AI innovation is changing how businesses come up with ideas, and how they realize them. Listen in as we explore the future of creativity - from marketing and entertainment to education and economics.
Read how Ipsos’ iterative creative testing framework powered an effective (and out-of-the-box) campaign from Mailchimp.
Committing to diversity, equity and inclusion within advertising goes beyond simply doing what is right for society; it is a strategic move that yields both immediate and long-term benefits for brands.
In chaotic times, brands need empathy and creativity in order to connect with consumers. It all begins with context.
A new white paper by Ipsos and TikTok identifies strategies for crafting content that truly resonates by demonstrating empathy, variety, and impact.
Political advertising changes the tone every election cycle, but an Ipsos study shows that in some cases it makes brand ads shine even brighter.
The power of empathy in a story of brand decline - revisit our insights to see how Americans perceive the presidential candidates as political brands.