How to align ESG with what matters most to Americans

Ipsos’ Trent Ross explains where Americans’ ESG priorities lie — and why brands and businesses should be paying attention.

How to align ESG with what matters most to Americans
The author(s)
  • Trent Ross Executive Vice President & Chief Research Officer Of Ipsos’ Corporate Reputation
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Recent research from Ipsos’ Corporate Reputation team suggests that visible and concrete action on environmental, social, and corporate governance remains a competitive advantage for brands — though some actions are more impactful than others.

ESG is often flattened to environmentalism alone. But people take brands’ social footprint very seriously, with 42% of respondents in Ipsos research saying that social impact should be prioritized above protecting the planet and practicing good governance.

Within the subset of social concerns, citizen-consumers think the most important actions that brands can take are improving working conditions (51%) and improving worker health and safety (47%). Still, the most important thing is to act in the first place. Such actions to support workers can also create a halo effect for manufacturers, distributors and suppliers when dealing with their business-to-business customers and clients.

Nearly three in four Americans say too many brands use the language of ESG without committing to real change. It’s on the C-suite to change that perception.

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The author(s)
  • Trent Ross Executive Vice President & Chief Research Officer Of Ipsos’ Corporate Reputation