Europe, the EU and the Euro
Index of polls covering Britain's relationship with Europe
Polls of the GB or UK general public including questions on the EU, the Euro or other aspects of Britain's relationship with Europe
- EU referendum poll The People 22-24 October
- EU referendum survey The Liberal Democrats21-26 February
- Northern Rock, Metric Measurements And The EU Constitutional Treaty The Sun20-22 September
- Attitudes to the EU Constitution The Sun 1 June
- EMU Entry and the EU Constitution Citigroup Sterling Weekly 10-15 February
- BBC coverage of the EU BBC October-November
- Trust in and knowledge of European bodies Institute for Citizenship 12-16 August
- The Referendum Battle Foreign Policy Centre 22-27 July
- Latest views on the Euro Citigroup Sterling Weekly 19-25 February
- European election and European Parliament issues Weber Shandwick 15-20 January
- Latest views on the Euro Citigroup Sterling Weekly 18-23 September
- Q25 in Political Attitudes in Great Britain Financial Times 11-16 September
- Q1-Q7 in British Attitudes To The Euro, Company Directors And Working Life Financial Times 20-22 June
- Latest views on the Euro Citigroup Sterling Weekly 12-17 June
- Latest views on the Euro Citigroup Sterling Weekly 1-7 May
- Public opinion over Euro entry Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 27 March-1 April
- Russia and the European Union Expert Group 23-27 January
- Public opinion over Euro entry Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 16-21 January
- Joining the Euro Foreign Policy Institute 14-19 November 2002
- EMU tracker Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 7-12 November
- EMU tracker Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 12-17 September
- EMU tracker Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 11-16 July
- EMU tracker Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 16-21 May
- EMU tracker Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 28 February-5 March
- Joining the Euro 1-3 February
- EMU tracker Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 17-22 January
- EMU tracker Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 25-30 October
- EMU tracker Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 30 August-4 September
- EMU tracker Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 14-19 June
- Joining the Euro 14-19 June
- Q9 in Expectations Of Future Government The Economist 4-5 June
- Q13-Q15 in Election Poll, Wave 3 The Times 22 May
- Q12-Q14 in Election Poll, Week 1 Sunday Telegraph 10-12 May
- Q7 and Q15-Q16 in Election Postponement Poll The Sun 30 April-1 May
- EMU tracker Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 19-23 April
- South Molton Declaration Poll The South Molton Declaration 22-27 March
- "Britain Out" Poll British Democracy Campaign 15-21 March
- Party support at the General Election and the single currency UKIP 15-20 February
- EMU tracker Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 25-30 January
- Joining the Euro 4-8 January
- European Integrated Army Poll Mail on Sunday 24-25 November
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 16-21 November
- Joining the Euro 28 September - 3 October
- Public Attitudes Towards Europe And The Euro The Sun 29-30 September
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 14-19 September
- The Euro and the Five Tests T&G 3-7 August
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 13-18 July
- Attitudes Towards European Institutions and the Euro News of the World 22-23 June
- Q10-Q13 in Political Attitudes In Great Britain The Times 22-27 June
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 11-16 May
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 24-29 February
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 13-18 January
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly November
- French Beef Ban poll Mail on Sunday 27-29 October
- Q12 in Party Leaders poll The Sun 13-14 October
- Reasons for Joining or Not Joining The Euro GMB 10-13 September
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 2-7 September
- Single currency: poll of trade union members T&G 26 August - 1 September
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 8-14 July
- Attitudes to the EU, European institutions and a single currency Sunday Telegraph 10-11 June
- Scottish European Election survey Sunday Herald 1-3 June
- The European Elections and party policies The Green Party 21-24 May
- Party support at the European Elections and the single currency UKIP 15-20 May
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 29 April-4 May
- The gender gap in attitudes to Europe The Fawcett Society 25-30 March
- Party support at the European Elections and the single currency UKIP 11-16 March
- Q12-Q13 in Political Attitudes in Great Britain for February 1999 The Times 19-22 February
- European Parliament Elections 1999: Public Attitudes Pro-Euro Conservative Party 5-8 February
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 14-20 January
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 3-9 December
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 24-30 September
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 23-28 July
- Q10-Q12 in Political Attitudes in Great Britain for June 1998 The Times 25-30 June
- Single European Currency Poll The Sun 24-26 June
- EMU tracker Salomon Smith Barney Sterling Weekly 14-19 May
- Attitudes to the European Union The European Movement 23-26 January
- Attitudes to Europe The Sun 13-14 November
- Future Government survey The Economist 25-28 April
- National Survey on a Single European Currency Paul Sykes 22-23 April
- Q9-Q11 in Election Poll, Week 3 The Times 15 April
Please note that unfortunately many of our polls conducted before 1997 are not available on our website
- The Future of Europe The European (newspaper) 27-29 November
- Knowledge about the EU and support for a Single Currency The European Movement 20-25 August
- Consumers' Attitudes to Home Finance and Technology ICL June
- Attitudes to the EU and a Single Currency The Times 23-26 May
- Attitudes to the EU The Sun 27 April-1 May
- Q9, Q18, Q31 and Q33 in State of the Nation Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust 21 April-8 May
- Britain's Future Poll The Times 4-5 December
- Q7 and Q32 in State of the Nation Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust 7-25 March
- Q7-Q8 in Election Poll, Week 3 Daily Express/Evening Standard 16-17 April
- Q10 in Election Poll, Week 1 Daily Express/Evening Standard 1-2 April
- Q8 in Pre-Election Poll TV Eye 29 March
- Common Market Poll Daily Express 24 May
- Voice of Britain Poll Daily Express 25-26 October
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