Nos han notificado la publicación de resultados de un sondeo atribuido a Ipsos sobre las elecciones presidenciales venezolanas.
La inflación ha sido ahora la principal preocupación mundial en nuestra encuesta Lo que preocupa al mundo durante los últimos 17 meses. Sin embargo, la preocupación por el aumento de los precios ha disminuido durante tres meses consecutivos, habiendo disminuido 3 puntos porcentuales desde junio.
La inflación sigue siendo la principal preocupación mundial en nuestra encuesta What Worries the World en los últimos 15 meses.
Topic Modeling will be available on the Synthesio platform on 20th July. Our AI-powered discovery engine automatically scans, categorizes, and visualizes hundreds of thousands of online conversations using the power of machine learning to help you uncover unknown or hidden phenomenons and make trend analysis much easier!
Tracking survey data shows who gained and lost with the public over the past year.
Survey for the World Economic Forum explores how much access to employment, education, housing, and social services is influenced by ethnicity and national origin across 27 countries
Almost two-thirds (64%) of the public across 27 countries say things in their country are heading in the wrong direction. Coronavirus remains the number one concern in our global survey – a place it has occupied for almost a year.
COVID-19 vaccination intent has risen in the past few weeks. New Ipsos-World Economic Forum global survey highlights the increasing demand for COVID-19 vaccines and diverging views on whether vaccination should be mandatory.
Situación actual de los más de 4 millones de venezolanos que viven en el exterior