Quality & Accreditations

Our commitment to quality

Ipsos is focused on quality and continuous improvement. We strive to uphold the highest standards in everything we do while looking for ways to improve all aspects of our services.

ISO accreditation

Ipsos is accredited in Australia to ISO 20252, the International Standard for Market and Social Research, and to ISO 9001 the International Standard for Quality Management Systems. Ipsos is a world-leading international market and social research company. We are one of the world’s leading survey-based marketing research firms.

Founded and run by market research professionals, Ipsos can help to interpret, simulate, and anticipate the needs and reactions of consumers, customers and citizens – locally, nationally and around the world. We have a direct presence in more than 60 countries globally and conduct research in more than 120. Our clients include both government and non-government organisations, and cover a wide range of sectors, including health, tourism, education, industry and employment, social welfare and community services, transport, taxation, and electoral services.

Ipsos Australia is a full-service firm, offering the full range of research services across various market and social research methodologies. We have expertise in designing, managing and conducting all aspects of qualitative and quantitative research, as well as in community consultation, evaluation and secondary analysis (e.g. literature reviews), and the capacity to undertake projects of any magnitude.

Ipsos Australia is primarily a research consultancy, engaged in designing, analysing and reporting market and social research. Qualitative fieldwork (such as in-depth interviews and group moderation) is primarily undertaken in-house, whilst quantitative fieldwork and qualitative group recruitment are subcontracted out to accredited specialist providers.

Supporting the Your Views Count initiative

Ipsos supports the Your Views Count initiative, designed to support both the general public and the research industry in making sure that the public is fully informed about the importance of participating in research, and is able to differentiate between genuine research and telemarketing. Ipsos is an active member of the Association of Market and Social Research Organisations (ADIA) and consultants are generally members of The Research Society. As such, all are bound by the ICC / ESOMAR code of ethics and professional practice.

Data Quality - Acreditations