Views on Sustainability - Egypt Edition

The public's understanding of sustainability in Egypt.

green sustainable egypt

The vast majority (97%) of individuals in Egypt are familiar with the term sustainability, where they primarily associate it with recycling.

When it comes to sustainability-positive actions, 9 in 10 have incorporated such actions into their lifestyle in one way or another. However, these actions tend to require easy to medium effort such as reducing water usage and purchasing fewer items when shopping. While 91% express their willingness to make lifestyle compromises to benefit the environment, 60% lack clarity regarding actions they can take to make a positive impact on climate change.

In terms of corporate responsibility, 4 in 5 believe that companies in Egypt lack in terms of supporting sustainability and ethical best practices but consider household goods manufacturers to be the most active on sustainability.

Moreover, when considering the overall cost implications of sustainable practices, 8 in 10 think that governments should take on the financial responsibility for supporting sustainable actions.


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