Mobile first survey design

A mobile first approach is not just the future – it is our reality.

The author(s)
  • Cecile Carre Vice President, Sampling & RoR, Ipsos, Canada
  • Jim Leonick Vice President, Innovation, Digital and Special Projects, Ipsos, UK
  • Leah McTiernan Global Director, Business and Community Development, Total Operations, Ipsos
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Mobile first survey design. How to future-proof your research | IpsosMost of us do not leave home without it. We lose track of how many times per day we reach for it, to check our email, social media, or for navigation. The mobile phone has reached ubiquity.

There are 3.5 billion smartphone users in the world and smarthphone usership is forecasted to grow by several hundred million in the next few years, with China, India and United States leading the way.

We are seeing our attachment to and preference for mobile come through in how people are taking surveys – in the last quarter of 2019, most of our panellists (73%) joined using their mobile phones.

This has implications for how we conduct research. While device agnostic survey design allows questionnaires to be conducted on any device, mobile first goes one step further and is important enhance accessibility and engagement.

The benefits of mobile first include:

  • Interacting with people in a way that is relevant and fits with their lives.
  • Improving representative access for target audiences.
  • Mobile first design principles improve surveys taken on PCs too – if it works on the smallest of screens, it will also work on the largest.
  • The capabilities of smartphones can provide additional valuable data sets.

Read more in our white paper and find out how to move your research from device agnostic or mobile friendly to a mobile first approach.

The author(s)
  • Cecile Carre Vice President, Sampling & RoR, Ipsos, Canada
  • Jim Leonick Vice President, Innovation, Digital and Special Projects, Ipsos, UK
  • Leah McTiernan Global Director, Business and Community Development, Total Operations, Ipsos

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