[Webinar] Uncover (unmet) needs and consumer designed solutions to power your innovation process

Here you find the webinar recording:


Are you tired searching for the next breakthrough innovation but end up with your 10th line extension? We invite you to inspire & challenge you to rethink your innovation discovery process by truly putting consumers at the heart of it.

In partnership with the MIT Innovation Lab, Ipsos developed a new methodology leveraging big data and semantic AI to uncover...

  • … emerging unmet needs and consumer pain points
  • … untapped consumer generated need-solutions pairs
  • … trends that are big enough to put your category on a growth path

Come and join our webinar!

Speakers :

  • Bilge Balci , Global Consumer Business Insights & Analytics Lead

  • Sandro Kaulartz

    Sandro Kaulartz, Chief Innovation & Product Development Officer, Ipsos Synthesio Global

  • Manish Mehta, Ipsos, Director, Innovation and Global innovation Program Lead

  • Jean-Pierre Berst

    Jean-Pierre Berst, Chief Client Officer Switzerland

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