[WEBINAR] Global Business Influencers | APAC 2021
2021 has been a turbulent year, none more so than for Global Business Influencers who have had to make key business decisions worth trillions of dollars over video calls while managing background disruption and potentially with vast numbers of their global workforce working from home.
Join the 30 minutes webinar on October 5 as James Torr and Reece Carpenter from Audience Measurement at Ipsos explore the latest data from the survey, at a global and APAC level., followed by a Q&A.
- How businesses have adapted over the past year
- The importance of ESG and sustainability in business and personal lives
- Spotlight on regional trends
- Podcast listening behaviour – habits and preferences
If you are unable to join at the time of your chosen webinar simply register to receive a copy of the recording.
Speakers :
James Torr, Audience Measurement, UK
Reece Carpenter, Audience Measurement, UK