Spotlight*Jordan: Food & Health

While 44% of Jordanians Constantly Worry About Getting Older & Maintaining Health, only 1 in 10 Consider Physical & Mental Wellbeing as An Ultimate Life Priority.

The author(s)
  • Hala Elfar Managing Director Jordan and Iraq
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3 in 4 Jordanians think they are in good physical health. In fact, half of Jordanians only get health check-ups when needed. In the post COVID era, Jordanians have become more conscious about their health where 3 in 4 Jordanians state that they engage in physical activities on weekly basis and 7 in 10 monitor their health digitally. That said, 44% of Jordanians continue to constantly worry about getting older & maintaining health. 

The author(s)
  • Hala Elfar Managing Director Jordan and Iraq

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