Mystery Calling: Dialling up your contact centre performance

Discover how a well-designed mystery calling programme can drive loyalty and profits in this new Ipsos Views paper.

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  • Ipsos .
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Mystery Calling - Dialling up your contact centre performance | Ipsos Driving a positive customer experience across all channels is critical to any organisation. In this new Ipsos Views paper we discuss how, despite the growing use of new digital technologies, the telephone experience can still be a make-or-break moment for many customers. For most large, multichannel organisations, the contact centre remains key to ensuring that customers receive a great experience, as consistently and efficiently as possible.

Increasingly contact centres are handling enquiries that customers are either unable to undertake face-to-face or are unwilling to conduct digitally; enquiries which are often complex in nature and can, therefore, have a significant impact on the brand if handled poorly. Contact centre agents have a huge responsibility to deliver customer experience which matches the expectations set by the brand promise.

While many contact centres function well, there is room for improvement. Ipsos research shows that almost half (48%) of customers who had suffered a poor contact centre experience were dissatisfied with how their issue was addressed. There in ten of those (dissatisfied with resolution) reported that, as a result, they would stop using the company in question, or use it less.

Written by three of Ipsos’ mystery shopping experts from Channel Performance, this paper explains how a well-designed mystery calling programme can help evaluate your contact centres – as a standalone, or as part of the omnichannel journey – and drive greater customer loyalty, higher profits, and better returns for shareholders.

The author(s)
  • Ipsos .

Customer Experience