Saudi Arabia’s Primary Consumer Sentiment Index - May 2024

Results of the May 2024 Primary Consumer Sentiment Index (PCSI) in Saudi Arabia, released by Ipsos, show the index at 72.7, compared to 71.9 the previous month.
Compared to other countries, Saudi Arabia ranked first when it comes to the current state of its economy, with 73% saying that the economy is strong. The Kingdom also leads in the belief that the country is heading in the right direction.
Regarding personal financial situations, 45% believe their financial situation is strong, and 75% feel more comfortable with their ability to invest in the future compared to 6 months ago.
Looking ahead to the coming 6 months, the majority have a positive outlook, with 87% expecting the economy in their local area to be stronger than it is now.
The Primary Consumer Sentiment Index is a global index conducted monthly by Ipsos across 25 countries in collaboration with Thomson Reuters, and measures consumer attitudes towards the current and future state of the local economy, consumers’ personal financial situation, as well as confidence to make large investments and ability to save. The survey has been running monthly in Saudi Arabia since 2010.
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