HoReCa’s Call to Action
The HoReCa sector has seen huge shifts to its business because of coronavirus as lockdowns globally dramatically reduced demand in out-of-home (OOH) occasions.
Prior to coronavirus OOH channels accounted for 33% of all food and beverage sales in the most affluent markets.
The impact of lockdown on OOH’s volume share was immediate, with occasions also seeing a dramatic change. Ipsos data shows that, in the second half of March, consumers shifted the majority of alcohol consumption to previously untypical occasions: My Home +35% (vs. Restaurant -75%), Alone +32% (vs. Groups 5+ -43%), Watching TV (Non-Sports) +53% (vs. Party -67%).
The challenge now is that as consumers are unlikely to go back pre-outbreak levels of HoReCa, and we see the rise of new trends, such as the emergence of the “home chef”, how do brands respond to this.
In this paper we look at what the future may look like for HoReCa and the opportunities this may offer.