[WEBINAR] KEYS: Convergent Commerce

This Ipsos webinar series is dedicated to helping our clients better understand the dynamics of today as they prepare for tomorrow.

The focus is on sharing new perspectives, based on our recent research and analysis.

Our next session takes place as the seasonal shopping season reaches its peak in many parts of the world.

The last few years have seen retail channels and consumer engagement touchpoints mushroom. At the same time, digital and physical environment are converging. On any given day, shoppers may be using their smartphones to review prices while also going out to take a look at the products in a physical store.

Today’s environment is all about channels that are simultaneously fragmented and coming together: convergent commerce, if you will.

Please join us as we consider the latest evidence and explore the implications for us all.

On the agenda:

  • Our Changing World: Ipsos’ new Global Trends Survey sets out the landscape when it comes to our underlying values and day-to-day experiences. We take a look at the newly-released study, including a deep-dive on what the results tell us about the dynamics of Latin America.
  • From Omnichannel Retail to Convergent Commerce: our team has been mapping how shopper journeys are changing. How can organisations adapt and flourish in today’s ever-evolving environment?
  • China in Focus: we reflect on how the disruptions of the last couple of years have impacted the Chinese market. With the seasonal shopping season under way, we will be thinking about what’s changed - and what’s stayed the same.
  • Channel Performance Management: maximising the impact of physical, contact centre and digital channels is no easy task. We explore the fundamental questions that underpin organisations’ decisions on where – and how – to act.

We do hope you will be able to join us.

Session 1 | 11AM CET Session 2 | 5PM CET

All KEYS Webinar recordings and presentations are available here.

Consumer & Shopper