The power of the ESG x Brand collaboration

Opening opportunities to positively shape expectations and drive brand success.

The author(s)
  • Gillian Drewett
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Globally, a large majority of people (80%) believe that businesses can do good for the world while still making a profit. This kind of belief can shape the expectations people have of brands.

One of the first steps brands should take is to get clear about the role they can and will play in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues – keeping in mind that whatever they do in the ESG space must be relevant for and to the brand.

Everyone has a role to play in acting well today
 to safeguard tomorrow. Brands are no exception.

Having a clear understanding of where you stand in your ESG brand journey is an essential starting point for brands; without this clarity, having your initiatives labelled as greenwashing or being perceived as having a ‘green sheen’ seems inevitable.

How can brand owners understand the impact of their ESG activities? And how can they navigate the ESG landscape in a way that both benefits their brand, as well as addressing their ESG imperatives?

Read The Power of the ESG x Brand Collaboration to find out:

  • The opportunity brands have to fill an ESG awareness gap and get ahead of the curve.
  • Why it’s important that brand ESG perception is congruent with brand ESG action.
  • How ESG activities can work in service of the brand to strengthen brand equity.
  • The impact of not having ESG associations.
  • The power of ESG as part of the whole brand offering.

Access the POV

For more on ESG or to learn how to unlock brand success, visit Ipsos and ESG or our Ipsos Brand Success mini-site.

The author(s)
  • Gillian Drewett
