Customer Experience | Ipsos
Customer Experience

Customer Experience

Delivering a Return on Customer Experience Investment.

Customer Experience (CX) is the sum of every interaction a customer – whether consumer or B2B – has with an organisation, including their overall brand experience. It’s about perceptions and experiences – past, present and future intentions; emotional and functional – across every touchpoint and channel. Evidence has shown that companies which get CX right reap the financial rewards. CX is the new battleground and is top of every CEO's agenda, yet we know organisations still have much to do in the CX space and it's difficult to get it right.

We help our clients navigate these challenges to deliver customer experiences which lead to profitable growth. We help organisations retain customers and recover those at risk, grow share of spend, increase advocacy and drive up operational efficiency; to deliver a ‘Return on Customer Experience Investment (ROCXI)’.

Return on Customer Experience Investment (ROCXI)We help organisations at all stages of the CX measurement and management process.

CX measurement and management process