Approached by us: Telephone

Ipsos is commissioned by a wide range of organisations to carry out a large number of research projects each year. In conducting this research we make contact with millions of people each year and rely on the goodwill and voluntary cooperation of individuals in order to carry out the research across the world.

If we have called you, and you wish to prevent any further calls, please email UK Telephone Respondent Requests providing your contact telephone number. Please note:  in order to do this, we will need to store your number on a database to ensure we can exclude your number on future studies, as they are generated at random for many studies, and so to avoid any chance of us re-contacting you, we need to retain your number. We absolutely guarantee that our "Do not call" database will not be disclosed to any third party, nor will it be used for any other purpose, and will only contain the contact details that you provide to Ipsos so that we can comply with your wish to not contact you in the future.

Requests will normally be processed within one working day, but on occasion it can take two working days to process.

Surveys you receive to complete online may begin,, or Be assured that these are genuine URLs provided by Ipsos to facilitate easy access to our surveys.

Please find below answers to some of the common questions we are asked regarding our telephone research.

  1. You called me recently and I have further questions or a complaint and would like to prevent further calls to my telephone number.
  2. Where did you get my telephone number from?
  3. My telephone number is registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) and/or BT Privacy service to stop cold calls so why are you calling me?
  4. Why is my opinion important?
  5. How do I know the information I supply is safe?


You called me recently and I have further questions or a complaint regarding that contact or would like to prevent further calls to my telephone number.

If we have contacted you recently, and you have any specific questions or complaints regarding our telephone contact with you please contact UK Telephone Respondent Requests. This email address can also be used to request that we cease any further future calls to your telephone number. Please include your telephone number in your email to assist us in dealing with your enquiry. In most cases your request will be actioned within one working day, however in busy periods it may take up to two working days to respond. The telephone numbers we leave when we call will usually be one of the following numbers:

  • 0131 5070013
  • 0131 5070018
  • 0131 5614632
  • 020 38076214
  • 020 38077496
  • 07441 426176
  • 0131 5070016
  • 0131 5070036
  • 0131 5070166
  • 0131 5070169
  • 0131 5070179
  • 0131 5070180
  • 0131 5070181
  • 0131 5070183
  • 0131 5070184
  • 0131 5070186
  • 020 37695912
  • 020 37696031
  • 020 37696070
  • 020 37696309
  • 020 37696361
  • 020 37696362
  • 07418 315401
  • 07418 315406
  • 07418 315412
  • 07418 315414
  • 01209 870015
  • 01235 619441
  • 01245 969050
  • 01295 570886
  • 01302 438068
  • 01386 341011
  • 01394 814003
  • 01423 645011
  • 01458 394303
  • 01535 553408
  • 01538 765300
  • 01564 495301
  • 01625 787303
  • 01689 369300
  • 01730 635301
  • 01799 813301
  • 01841 725302
  • 01842 671006
  • 01895 376304
  • 0800 1244876
  • 08001522773 
  • 08001522779 

We currently have a small telephone centre in Northern Ireland where we conduct interviews for local clients.  We use the following telephone numbers:

  • 028 9620 5108
  • 028 9620 5128
  • 028 9620 5134
  • 028 9717 8001 

Where did you get my telephone number from?

On some studies your contact details will have been provided by the organisation that has commissioned the research. However, on most research conducted via the telephone, telephone numbers are generated using a process known as "random digit dialling". This involves generating a phone number by randomly adding the last set of digits to known valid area codes and exchange numbers to produce a telephone number. Other than the approximate geographical location of this number based on the area code and telephone exchange, nothing else is known about the number. It may be a public telephone box, business, fax machine etc. We do this to ensure we reach a genuine cross section of the public.


My telephone number is registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) and / or BT Privacy service to stop cold calls so why are you calling me?

It is a legal requirement under The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 for companies or organisations that are making unsolicited calls (cold calling) for sales or marketing purposes to filter those calls against the TPS lists. There are no legal or regulatory requirements to filter unsolicited calls made for research purposes against the TPS. Our call to your telephone number was NOT intended to sell, market or provide any details for any goods or services in any way. Our call would have been made to request your participation in a genuine research study. In conducting these studies we are required to ensure that the individuals who take part are fully representative of the target audience being researched. To exclude individuals with TPS registered telephone numbers could bias the results. It would also deny you the opportunity of participating in this research, the results of which may impact policies or services you use. We have found that a similar number of individuals who have TPS registered numbers take part in our studies compared to those who are not TPS registered.


Why is my opinion important?

We work for a wide range of clients including:

International, European and UK national, regional and local government bodies: Who use the research to gain accurate and up to date information which is used for future planning and to shape future policy decisions.

Major Charities: Commission research in their areas of interest to better understand peoples views and experiences.

Universities and colleges: Conduct academic research in association with Ipsos .

Private sector organisations: Use research to understand how their organisations, products or services are perceived for example.


How do I know the information I supply is safe?

Ipsos does take very seriously its responsibilities for the security and confidentiality of the information supplied to us by our clients and those who take part in the research we carry out. We take every care to ensure that we comply with our legal, regulatory and ethical obligations, including UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. Our interviewers will provide details of what the research study is about and how the information you supply will be used in that research and you are perfectly entitled not to answer any question you are not comfortable with or to change your mind and not take part at any time during the interview. You will not receive "junk" mail or unsolicited sales calls as a result of participating in this research. If you want more information on our Data Protection and/or Information Security policies, we are happy to provide copies on request. Please send your request to our Compliance & Information Security Department, Ipsos, 3 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1YW, or email [email protected].