Instagram’s Impact on Canadian Businesses

As Instagram continues to grow, we explored the critical role the platform is playing for Canada’s Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs).

The author(s)
  • Eva Corba Ipsos Connect, UK
  • Adam Isaacson Ipsos Connect, UK
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Over half of Canadian SMBs we spoke to agree their business is stronger today because of Instagram, but why is the platform proving such a fundamental tool for SMB success?

To understand their popularity, Instagram commissioned Ipsos to conduct research into the ways SMBs are using the platform to reach and engage with customers. The study combined insights from SMBs using Instagram for business purposes, with the views of Instagrammers age 13+.

The report highlights five ways in which Instagram has become a key tool for many SMBs:

  • Helping young entrepreneurs
  • Inspiring female entrepreneurs 
  • The success of Instagram-first businesses Creating stronger relationships
  • Building deeper relationships with customers
  • Inspiring Instagrammers to explore
The author(s)
  • Eva Corba Ipsos Connect, UK
  • Adam Isaacson Ipsos Connect, UK

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