Sustainable Development Research Centre | Ipsos
Public Affairs

Sustainable Development Research Centre

Helping our clients and partners to shape the sustainability agenda.

Ipsos’s Sustainable Development Research Centre provides donors, international organisations, governments, civil society and the private sector with the evidence needed to understand global issues, make development policies and programmes more effective, and to shape the sustainability agenda.

We bring local expertise and research capability to global research, even in conflict-affected and hard-to-reach areas. Our research teams understand local sensitivities, cultural and social norms, and political dynamics, and we deliver context-specific and actionable insights.

We have methodological expertise in research and evaluation and subject-matter expertise across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our social research team is experienced in implementing the full range of methodologies for face-to-face, telephone, online, push-to-web and qualitative research, which we tailor to meet our clients’ research objectives. Our policy and evaluation experts carry out process and impact evaluations, using experimental, quasi-experimental, and theory-based approaches. And our communications experts are experienced in understanding communications preferences and citizen behaviours, evaluating communications campaigns and testing creative content and messaging for a range of audiences.

Our ambition is to make sure that top quality primary data and analysis underpin the decisions that shape our world and to put people’s voices at the heart of sustainable development, helping to make it an inclusive and accountable process.

Find out more about our work in our recent Understanding Society publications:

We think strategically. We collaborate. We focus on responding to the needs of our partners and clients.