Ipsos Research Highlights - 25 June 2021

In this week's Ipsos Research Highlights we explore attitudes towards Brexit five years on, arguments against the COVID-19 vaccine, and what 'politically correct' means to the majority of Britons

Britons most against political correctness globally, while country still seen as less divided than US

Half of Britons said they tended towards thinking people are 'too easily offended' (51%). While class is a big trending topic in Britain, Britons are notably less likely to think there are tensions between those with a university education and those without (36% vs the global country average of 47%). In America, 90% think there is a great deal or fair amount of tension between people who support different political parties – compared with 70% who say the same in Britain.

Ipsos Issues Index: May 2021

Despite the COVID-19 vaccination programme being extended to lower age groups, concern about COVID-19 remains unchanged, with 49% of the public believing it is one of the biggest issues facing Britain. Concern about Brexit continues to decline. Just 22% mentioned it as a worry this month – less than half the amount that did in December 2020, as the UK exited the EU. 

Ipsos Issues Index May 2021

Five years on, Brexit – and the forces underlying it – continues to shape public opinion

Five years after the Brexit vote we’ve found that Britain continues to be divided into distinct groups with divided views on Brexit. Traditionalist Leavers (most pro-Brexit and culturally conservative) tend to be older (and retired), with a lower income living in the north of England and Midlands are more concerned about immigration (43%). However, Globalist Leavers are more economically right wing, keen on free trade and – like Liberal Remainers – pro-globalisation. 

Sevemn Brexit Tribes

Five years on from Brexit – they think it’s all over, it isn’t yet…

Our research in partnership with UK in a Changing Europe has found that 44% Britons believe that there are still many important issues to finalise with the EU, with Remain voters most likely to feel this way about negotiations (62%). In contrast, just 30% of Leave voters say there are still many important issues to discuss. However, the majority of Britons (56%) say it hasn’t made any difference to their daily lives.

Most people think negotiations over Britain’s future relationship with the EU will continue in the next few years - Ipsos

Arguments against taking the COVID-19 vaccine have lost ground, but many are concerned about its ability to fight new variants

We have found arguments against having a COVID-19 vaccine have weakened since November, when the majority were convinced there was not enough time to see side-effects of the vaccine – now just two in five (41%) think the same, down 20ppt. Forty-eight percent say they are concerned about its effectiveness against new variants, but 91% still agree it is important to get the vaccine to stop the spread of new variants. 

How convincing are arguments against taking the COVID-19 vaccine?


In other news

We’ve looked at what Britons will miss about lockdown, 63% say less traffic and 59% say quiet shops and supermarkets (59%). More than half (53%) will miss spending more time with family, while a quarter (24%) will be not be unhappy to leave it behind. 

According the latest Europ Assistance travel barometer, 57% of Europeans expect to travel during the usual summer holiday period. Europeans are still heading to the seaside – topping all areas with 58% of respondents. Meanwhile, trips to the countryside (26%) and the mountains (24%) bring up the rear for days out.

As ever, please do let us know what you think, and I hope you find something to interest you.

Ben Page
Chief Executive, Ipsos
[email protected]