More than 8 in 10 Brits will celebrate Pancake Day - most likely with lemon and sugar topping!

A new UK Omnibus poll by Ipsos shows that more than 8 in 10 Britons will celebrate Pancake Day this year, most likely with lemon and sugar on a traditional English pancake.

The author(s)
  • Peter Cooper Omnibus
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New omnibus research by Ipsos shows more than 8 in 10 (80%) Britons will be celebrating Pancake Day this year. Not to take the easy way out, nearly half will make their pancakes from scratch (49%) while 1 in 5 (20%) will buy a pancake mix and 16% will buy ready-made pancakes. Sixteen per cent say they will not celebrate Pancake Day.

Which of the following, if any, do you / your household expect to do to celebrate Pancake Day this year?  "I/we will make pancakes from scratch"	49% "I/we will buy  pancake mix"	20% "I/we will buy ready-made pancakes"	16% "I/we will not celebrate Pancake Day"	16% Don’t know	4%  Source: Ipsos UK Omnibus. Sample: 1,050 British adults aged 16-75In keeping with tradition, English pancakes are most likely to be made (63%), followed by crepes (25%), American pancakes (18%) and Scotch pancakes (14%).

Lemon and sugar is still the most popular topping among Brits, 3 in 10 like the traditional topping. However, its reign appears to be slipping among younger groups. Among 16-24s (33%) and 25-34s (22%) chocolate spread is the number one topping. Syrup is also a popular option with 17% choosing to pour this over their pancakes.

Technical note

Ipsos in the UK interviewed a representative sample of 1,050 British adults aged 16-75. Interviews were conducted using its online omnibus between 18-19 February 2022. Data are weighted to match the profile of the population. All polls are subject to a wide range of potential sources of error.

The author(s)
  • Peter Cooper Omnibus

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