Ipsos Update – December 2022

Inflation, environmental sustainability, the future of mobility… Ipsos Update explores the latest and greatest research & thinking on key topics from Ipsos around the world.

Inflation is the theme that dominates this month’s edition of Ipsos Update. We travel the globe to see how consumers are adapting to rising prices in different countries and examine how views have developed throughout the year. Meanwhile, we share the results of our new global environmental sustainability segmentation, identifying five key groups with very different outlooks.

Also in this month’s release: the current and future possibilities for autonomous driving, the evolving role of the physical store and the 15th edition of the Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index.

In this edition:

Feeling the Pressure

In this report, we aim to help brands and decision-makers understand how people are trying to navigate the global crises we are facing in 2022 and share perspectives on how the experience differs across the world.
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Global Inflation Monitor

A new 36-country survey for the World Economic Forum finds that on average seven in ten people globally (69%) expect prices to continue to rise in 2023.
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What Worries the World

Inflation remains the top global worry in our 29-country tracker. However, for the first time in 16 months, the level of concern has not increased from last month.
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Future of Mobility

The potential uses of autonomous driving (AD) could change every aspect of people’s lives, presenting great opportunities for businesses. We explore the current state of the technology and consider its potential.
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Environmental Sustainability: Who Cares

We share the results of our global segmentation of attitudes and concerns towards environmental sustainability, identifying five key groups and sharing guidance on how to engage each successfully.
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Climate Change Focus: We share the results from two new global surveys on government policies to tackle climate change and on plastic pollution. We also introduce our new podcast mini-series ‘People, Planet, Prosperity’.

The Morphing Store

As the nature of commerce continues to shift and evolve, what are the imperatives for survival and success of the physical store? We explore the functional, experiential, and human aspects of the store.
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Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index

The 15th edition of the Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index (NBI) finds Germany claiming first place for the sixth consecutive year. Japan and Canada follow in second and third place.
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Also see short articles on global attitudes surrounding the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, new research on the environmental footprint of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and a review of the future of plant-based eating.
