Scottish Government approval rating increases

As the SNP gathers for its conference in Perth this weekend, our latest poll finds that satisfaction with the Scottish Government's performance has increased since May.

As the SNP gathers for its conference in Perth this weekend, our latest poll finds that satisfaction with the Scottish Government’s performance has increased since May. The latest Ipsos Scottish Public Opinion Monitor, conducted last month, found that 57% of Scots are satisfied with the way the Scottish Government is running the country, while 34% were dissatisfied. This represents a net approval rating (the proportion who are satisfied minus the proportion who are dissatisfied) of +23, an increase of 10 points since our last poll in May. This is in contrast to the UK Government’s approval rating, which was -28 among British adults in September. Net satisfaction with the Scottish Government’s performance is highest among under 35s (+45), men (+35) and those living in the most deprived areas of Scotland (+34). Unsurprisingly, SNP voters give the government the highest approval rating (+66) compared with +15 among Labour supporters, +9 among Liberal Democrat supporters and -25 among Conservative supporters. In terms of referendum voting intention, Yes voters give the Scottish Government an approval rating of +64 compared with -1 among No voters and +31 among undecided voters.

Scottish government approval rating increases from Ipsos

Christopher McLean, Senior Researcher at Ipsos Scotland, said:

“After six and a half years in power the Scottish Government remains popular, considerably increasing its approval rating over the last three months. This is the highest rating we have recorded for the Scottish Government since we began measuring satisfaction last year and is in stark contrast to the approval rating of the UK Government among the British public. However, a number of key groups remain less satisfied with the Scottish Government’s performance, namely women, older people and those living in more affluent areas of Scotland, all of whom are also the least likely to support a ‘Yes’ vote in next year’s referendum.”

Technical details:

  • This presents the topline results from Scotland
  • Results are based on a survey of 1,000 respondents (adults aged 16+) conducted by telephone
  • Fieldwork dates: 9th – 15th September 2013
  • Data are weight by: age, sex and working status using census data; tenure using SHS data; and public-private sector employment using Scottish Government Quarterly Public Sector Employment series data
  • Where results do not sum to 100%, this may be due to computer rounding, multiple responses, or the exclusion of “don’t know” categories
  • Results are based on all respondents (1,000) unless otherwise stated

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