85% of online shoppers say that a poor delivery experience would prevent them from ordering from that online retailer again

In order to better understand European consumers’ expectations of e-commerce in terms of services and customer experience, Ipsos and Octopia conducted a 2022 study in several European countries, interviewing a representative panel of approximately 1000 online shoppers per country. Which assets are key to going above and beyond online shoppers’ expectations? Which bad experiences are most likely to break their trust in the long run? The results from this study confirm the importance of the quality-price-delay triad on which Octopia is positioned.

The author(s)
  • Julien Dupuy Customer Experience, France
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Keeping promises on delivery 

The gap between promise and delivery has a considerable impact not only on satisfaction, but also on the long-term relationship with the brand. When it comes to delivery, a lack of quality will have an immediate impact on re-purchasing: 85% of online shoppers say that a poor delivery experience would prevent them from ordering from that online retailer again.

Ipsos | Octopia | e-shoppers | livraison


Better, faster, fulfilling expectations 

The Ipsos-Octopia study shows that delivery time is by far the most important factor for online shoppers. 85% of them say that it is important or very important and 85% say they always check it (94% in Spain). A majority (57%) even consider it important to be able to choose same day or next day delivery.

The price of delivery is one of the most important conversion drivers 

The price of delivery remains an essential element: 36% of respondents cite the cost of delivery as a determining factor for their purchase among the 16 criteria listed. For many, it is even the most important criterion (32% in Germany, 38% in France).

In light of this study, fulfilment - the service that enables online retailers to delegate logistics to a specialist provider - proves to be the solution which allows retailers to best meet the expectations of their online shoppers.  Indeed, a provider such as Octopia takes care of product preparation, packaging, and delivery, allowing the online retailer to concentrate on their core business activities (product, sales, marketing, etc.), to cope with volume fluctuations (ramp-up of a start-up, seasonal peaks, etc.), and to obtain better negotiated and more variable transport rates.

Benjamin Hamilton, Fulfilment Director at Octopia: “Today, the challenge for online retailers is to simplify the entire logistics process through the automation of tasks via fulfilment.” 

the full report



About Octopia

Octopia is a French company that has developed a complete and modular marketplace solution. Thanks to its business experience as well as its marketplace know-how of more than ten years, and with its technological and logistic expertise, Octopia enables physical retailers and pure-players to accelerate their e-commerce activity. Octopia supports all trade players in Europe, Africa and the Middle East with adapted solutions allowing them to hange scale. 

The selection of transport partners and the fine-tuning of their quality of service allow Octopia to offer the best transport solutions in France and abroad for its customers. In addition to speed and cost, Octopia pays particular attention to the delivery experience for online shoppers: pre-delivery notifications, choice of delivery time slots, package redirection, real-time tracking of the delivery person, re-delivery options in case of absence, etc., as well as simplification of the return process. 

About this study

Ipsos.Digital study of a representative sample of 1000 French respondents aged 16-75 surveyed online on February 4, 2022, 1000 Spanish respondents aged 18-65 surveyed online on February 8, 2022, and 1000 German respondents aged 16-75 surveyed online on February 4, 2022. Each country’s sample is representative through quota sampling.

The author(s)
  • Julien Dupuy Customer Experience, France

Customer Experience