34% of companies in the EU say that corruption is a problem when doing business

Ipsos European Public Affairs' latest Flash Eurobarometer survey for the European Commission aims at measuring EU businesses' attitudes towards corruption.

The author(s)
  • Christine Tresignie European Public Affairs, Belgium
  • Femke Dekeulenaer European Public Affairs, Belgium
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Key topics covered include:

  • Problems encountered when doing business;
  • Businesses’ perception of the level of corruption in their town;
  • The prevalence of practices leading to corruption;
  • Corrupt practices in public tender and public procurement procedures;
  • How corruption is investigated, prosecuted and sanctioned.

Ipsos European Public Affairs interviewed a representative sample of businesses, employing one or more persons in six key sectors (energy, mining, oil and gas, chemicals; healthcare and pharmaceutical; engineering and electronics, motor vehicles; construction and building; telecommunications and information technologies; and financial services, banking and investment), in each of the 27 Member States of the EU. Between 4 April and 22 April 2022, 12 790 interviews were conducted.

Key survey findings include:

  • More than a third of companies in the EU (34%) say that corruption is a problem when doing business.
  • An important majority of companies agree that in their country close links between business and politics leads to corruption (79%).
  • 70% of businesses declare favouritism and corruption hamper business competition.


The author(s)
  • Christine Tresignie European Public Affairs, Belgium
  • Femke Dekeulenaer European Public Affairs, Belgium
