Unlocking culture in Europe

A study on how TikTok users perceive culture in Europe and the role the platform plays.

The author(s)
  • Clément Degrave Head of European Curation HUB, Ipsos in Belgium
  • Dorien Deckers Senior Curator, Ipsos in Belgium
  • Benjamin Burssens Client Director, Ipsos in Belgium
  • Wout Doom Senior Research Executive, Ipsos in Belgium
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Ipsos | TikTokNew research conducted on behalf of TikTok surveyed 8,000 TikTok users from eight European countries to gauge how they perceive culture in Europe and the role the platform plays in the cultural realm.

Culture holds tremendous power across the globe, and Europe has a particularly rich cultural heritage. Europe is home to diverse forms of cultural expression, which stem from both distinct national and regional cultures, as well as their interaction through European integration within the EU. Today, this cultural richness continues to flourish. Digitalisation has dramatically widened access to culture and created new forms of engagement. Platforms now serve as both a window into and a bridge between the different aspects of European culture.

In this context, TikTok commissioned Ipsos to explore how the app contributes to discovering, participating in and sharing cultural expressions across borders.

TikTok is a cultural facilitator

Findings of the survey reveal that TikTok plays a role in enabling European users to access and participate in different forms of culture and cultural activities. Users also say that the platform facilitates community-building and fosters a sense of belonging among them:

Ipsos | Tiktok
Source: Ipsos survey among n=8000 TikTok users across 8 EU countries, December 2022

About the study

Results were gathered by Ipsos via an online survey conducted among 8,000 European TikTok users aged 18-55 in November and December 2022.
Countries included in the survey: Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden.
In each country, 1,000 TikTok users completed the survey. To ensure data quality and to make statements about the entire population of TikTok users, the survey was sent out representatively, based on gender, age and region within each country.
Report created by Ipsos, commissioned by TikTok in December 2022

The author(s)
  • Clément Degrave Head of European Curation HUB, Ipsos in Belgium
  • Dorien Deckers Senior Curator, Ipsos in Belgium
  • Benjamin Burssens Client Director, Ipsos in Belgium
  • Wout Doom Senior Research Executive, Ipsos in Belgium

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