Adapting product testing in challenging times

Be contactless, leverage technology, get social.

The author(s)
  • Virginia Weil Global Service Line Leader, Innovation, Ipsos
  • Dr Nikolai Reynolds Global Head of Product Testing, Innovation, Germany
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Adapting product testing to challenging times | IpsosCOVID-19 is impacting consumers, businesses, and governments in unprecedented ways. With surging unemployment rates in major markets and reduced consumer purchasing power a global economic crisis is developing. In times of such uncertainty, smart actions can help companies be poised for growth when recovery begins.

Now is the time to plant the seeds for future product success, especially when products are called upon to meet new needs and nurture strong brand connections.

Continued product development and evaluation are necessary to ensure high levels of product satisfaction and repeat purchasing. However, the product testing methodologies used must flex to adjust to new world realities.

Moving forward, to help businesses grow, product testing will need to:

  1. Be Contactless
  2. Leverage Technology
  3. Get Social

Find out more about how we are adapting product testing in Adapting Product Testing in Challenging Times.

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The author(s)
  • Virginia Weil Global Service Line Leader, Innovation, Ipsos
  • Dr Nikolai Reynolds Global Head of Product Testing, Innovation, Germany

Consumer & Shopper