Start with the end in mind: A three-step segmentation remedy
Segmentation has often faced criticism for lacking effectiveness, but by starting with the end in mind organisations can ensure success.
Segmentation has often faced accusations of failing to live up to expectations. All too often, these criticisms are warranted.
However, one area which often brings down segmentation initiatives is because the complexities and organisational discomforts of activation are postponed until the end of the process. If these realities are accounted for from the beginning - starting with the end in mind – there are specific actions we can take to ensure success.
It is not a matter of who owns and controls the best data full stop, but about identifying the right data for a specific purpose and how it can be connected to address the business question needing answered.
It is the combination of behavioural and survey data that creates a powerful starting point to build a strategy and activation across the business. This requires creating cross functional teams.
In some cases, this also means bringing those teams under one management structure, sharing ownership, and acknowledging the value of different data sources. But this also requires top management leading the process.
Without consistent support and management buy in, it is hard for those leading the functional teams to implement. We have heard from our own clients that there is a strong need for them to be supported by their superiors: it is all about leading by example.
It also requires training across the board, so the formerly siloed teams learn how the other team works, what they need, why and how to connect the dots.
To learn more, read Start with the end in mind: A Three-Step Segmentation Remedy