Flair Russia 2022 - In the Flow of Change

Fascinating insights in the latest in-depth analysis of Russian society, markets and people by our local Ipsos team.

The author(s)
  • Ekaterina Ryseva Country Manager, Ipsos in Russia
  • Yves Bardon Ipsos Knowledge Centre, France
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Flair Russia 2022: In the Flow of Change | IpsosThe 4th edition of Flair Russia focuses on the socio-cultural profile of Russians – information that is increasingly valuable during periods of change. Cultural attitudes that exist in society influence how people will react to changes and how their consumption habits evolve, the speed of adoption and adaptation, and the mentality we take into the future. The Ipsos team in Russia is poised to help you choose the right direction in this flow of change.

For this edition of Flair Russia, we conducted a detailed analysis of the profile of Russians and looked at the findings through the prism of transition from the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world to a new concept: the more chaotic and troubling BANI (brittle, anxious, non-linear, incomprehensible) world. This offers our readers some food for thought: Which features of the Russian mentality will act as “superpowers” to make a person’s life more comfortable in the new world? What can companies and brands do to power-up the qualities that so far are underdeveloped in this context?

We also reflect on how everyday life in Russia and the Russian character are changing from different perspectives, including family values, the home, life in the city and the countryside, leisure activities, shopping, and health. All this will help brands to understand their customers not only as consumers and buyers, but also as people from a more human point of view. This can also be a starting point for building an empathic brand ecosystem which, in turn, will provide fuel for further strengthening the strategic role of insights and their more active influence on decision-making in the future development of brands.

In this edition of Flair Russia 2022:

  • A Cultural Profile of Russian People: Path to new world
  • New Parenting: Rethinking of attitudes and beliefs
  • Talks that Matter: The qualities children learn at home
  • The 21st Century Man in Russia: How traditional masculine roles are transforming
  • Made in Russia: Pride in the Russian automotive industry
  • Do Good: Why Russians engage in charity
  • Home, Sweet Home: The changing role of the home for modern Russian families
  • Country Life: Drivers, barriers and prospects
  • You Won’t Get Bored: New dimensions of amateur sports
  • The Shopping Formats Setting Retail Trends
  • Russian Consumers and Food Supplements: Current trends
  • Modern Trends in the Game: The inner world of Russian gamers
  • 10 Bets: How will the new world affect us?

Access the details of Flair Russia 2022, in English here or in Russian here.


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The author(s)
  • Ekaterina Ryseva Country Manager, Ipsos in Russia
  • Yves Bardon Ipsos Knowledge Centre, France
